Would it be wrong to steal tuna salad from my school cafeteria?

I'm a poor college student! :(

Note: I am being sarcastic. Leave me some funny answers.


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stealing means the taking away of another's property without consent. it is wrong but considering the mitigating circumstance of your being poor then go right ahead.


Sure. First its just one tuna salad. Then it turns into a bunch of tuna salads..Every day of every week, nothing but tuna salad. Then you start stealing bigger things, like egg salad or cheeseburgers..then your shaking down the sweet old lady behind the register for extra salt packets..and before you know it you'll be hooked on crack and peddling your body for stale soft preztels and over-sugared kool-aid. I'd think twice about stealing a tuna salad. Actually, just skip all that, care for a pretzel? ;-)


Have you eaten school cafeteria food lately? You should actually hunt down people who got food in the cafeteria and rescue them by returning it for a small fee....you will make a fortune which will enable you to buy steak every day. By the way, be present at the cafeteria for creamed spinach and casserole nights. You will be able to buy a sportscar in no time...


No, because Tuna Salad is the nastiest thing ever produced in a cafeteria. I doubt they can even give it away.


Yes, it's wrong, but that would be wicked funny!
My friend Meg and I stole a twenty gallon drum of strawberry ice cream from the cafeteria. It was a riot!
We didn't waste it, though; we invited two whole dorms over for ice cream. It was all eaten and we all had a great time.

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