why are questions repeated and whole pages repeated in most if not all catagories ??


Favorite Answer

If you are in the home page for questions, and you go from one page to the next... you will note that most of the questions are repeated from the page you were just at. I think that is what you are talking about. It is because the pages you see are just snap shots in time on an constantly changing page. Try refreshing the page after a few seconds... you'll see the questions moving down the page. Now if you stop and read a few of the questions, then move on to the next page... all you are doing is catching up to the flow of questions.
As to the repeated questions on the page, I think that most of the time those users are new! Check it out! they'll be level one folks!


people want to know the same things, but don't want to read answers to other questions

also questions expire in three days

people are lazy.


to get different answers.


don't know.