Is it True...?

..That if You Dont Use it-You Lose it?


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It is not true I have been to a few nursing homes and they still have theirs. Of course some of them are still using it. It may not be in the same shape as you would like it to be. Gravity and abuse does tend to make one think that you may lose it. Just ask an older granny what PROLAPSED means.


Now for a serious answer to your question.
If you don't use it, you will not lose it, but it will not work as effectively. Anything that is not used properly and often will tend to lose it's power and usefulness. I remember the advise once given me about a radio or tape player or something that if I didn't use the machine and it's various features/knobs etc. that after a while they and it would not work from the inactivity. I have followed this advice in all areas of my life.


Yes. I haven't used it in a loooooong time, but I'm relatively certain I wouldn't know what to do with it if I had it. :/


It actually depends on what your talking about if your talking about muscle yes but if your thinking about something Else No.


So if you dont use your points you use it by asking a questiong like this? oh,, are mines work.

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