When is Summer?

the school here, last day of classes before Summer vacation was before Mother's Day May 14, 2006, and first day back to classes after Summer vacation was August 10 2006

the Public Pool opened for Summer the Saturday before Memorial Day May 29 2006, and last day open for Summer was Labor Day September 4 2006

now I just heard on the news, today is the last day of Summer, because the Autumnal Equinox is tomorrow, 09-22-2006, so was the first day of Summer 06-21-2006, the Summer Solstice, why don't the schools and park district organize their programs to coincide, and it is already super hot weather before the pools open and stays hot way after they are closed, I don't get it


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I see what you mean! Confusing isn't it!


When I was in school, summer vacation always began in early June and ended in late August or early September. Of course, where I lived, it took a while to get warm and early June was still kind of cold. I don't know why they would begin summer vacation so early where you live. But it is true that the last day of summer is on the Equinox.

I think schools organize the schedule to give plenty of time for snow days, in case days lost need to be tacked on to the end of the school year.


June, July and August


Summer the season is June 21 - Sept 20. (or sometimes it's 6/22-9/21, but those are your two choices!)