whats your favorite ice cream flavor?

i love cookie dough, im eating an ice cream now and it made me think...

MISS 842006-09-22T20:29:03Z

Favorite Answer

Mint chocolate chip is my all time fave. but anything with caramel will do.


Commercially it would have to be either Fish Food (Ben and Jerry's) or Gold Medal Ribbon (Baskin Robbins).

But my all-time favorite flavor was at a little ice cream shop (where they made their own flavors) in a small town in Florida. He had two that were devine--Marshmallow Cloud and Cinnamon. But I'd pick his homemade Cinnamon ice cream every time. HEAVEN!


Rocky Road

the Politics of Pikachu2006-09-23T01:11:51Z

I had Fried Ice Cream one day at United Dairy Farmers that was really good.


Baskin Robbins German Chocolate Cake or Jamoca Almond Fudge

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