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Anonymous asked in Food & DrinkOther - Food & Drink · 12 hours ago

My dad keeps eating all of my food..?

I bought 2 cartons of ice cream and my dad ate both of them. I specifically put it in a separate freezer and he still takes it from there and eats it like it's his. I got rice from a restaurant yesterday and barely had 5 spoons, and now it's all gone. There was a bag of cheetos and takis and it disappeared within 2 days. I'm starving and there's no food to eat because my dad keeps eating everything I make or buy. What do I do? I'm getting fed up...

9 Answers

  • 3 hours ago

    Does he know it's not his?

    Is he showing signs of Dementia, or is he just eating your stuff?

    Catch it early, they can slow the progression with medication.

  • 7 hours ago

    you have to pull a big prank on him to make sure he NEVER eats your food again.... The guy talking about laxatives   has the right idea...... ;)

  • Janet
    Lv 7
    9 hours ago

    Time for you to move out.

  • 9 hours ago

    Buy a mini fridge and lock it up LOL

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  • Anonymous
    11 hours ago

    Hate to say it but stop bringing ready-to-eat food home, and make only what you plan to eat. On top of that policy make a little room for family harmony and budget some food you know the old man's going to snack on behind your back. 

  • Audrey
    Lv 7
    11 hours ago

    If you're living in his house, there's not much you can do. Eat fast food. Don't bring any food home.

  • Anonymous
    12 hours ago

    Why are you living there?  Move out.

  • 12 hours ago

    Spike your food products with laxitives and  enjoy the show.

  • 12 hours ago

    Maybe he's hungry etc 

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