what length would a steel bar be to circle the earth ??

the earth is 7,926.41 miles in diameter at the equator, this is where the calculation would be made.
there is a critical piece of information missing from this request.
If you work with steel you will know what it is, you can not answer the question without it. 10 points for correct answer


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Assuming the earth's equator is a perfect circle and the bar rests on the surface, the bar length should be pi*(7926.41 miles + bar thickness). The bar thickness is the missing data.


OK. I'll ask.

So...... What constant temperature are you assuming? Or are you going to make it interesting and assume one temperature for the foundry location and a whole *bunch* of gradient temperatures around the 24,901.55 miles of rod that you're going to need?



radius of earth.. is 6 378.1
the answer is 2*pi*6 378.1 =40 054.468 kilometers


yeah what he said .