Split ends?

Okay so I was told if you twist some of your hair very tight, all the little lose hairs that are sticking out are split ends. Is this true? I wouldn't think that is true especially if you have your hair layered, it's bound to have a few strands of hair stick out. Does anyone know if that is a myth or a fact?

Thank you in advance for your answers.


oops I meant to type loose**


I'm not looking for a remedy on split ends. I have really short hair so I'm not worried about that.


Favorite Answer

Hi. Its a myth. Yes you are correct but even not in layers doesnt mean short hairs are split ends. Hair continuously falls out and regrows so there will always be shorter lenghts througout the strands.


Split ends are individual hairs that have split - they can look like : ----< or even ---<>---- or -----<----, just because a hair is sticking out, doesn't mean it's a split end. Most people's hair is all different lengths, so some will always stick out. Twisting it like that is often a good way to find split ends so that you can trim them. Trimming individual split ends is called dusting.


i think its a myth cuz my hair is layered and when i twist mine it sticks out and i know that my hair doesn't have split ends cuz i just cut it and i take really good care of my hair. so i think its a myth. = )


of course thats a myth.spit ends are just that.the hair splits.its normal.hair is not one smooth strand.it is scales layered upon each other.


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