How can we help to prevent and someday eradicate breast cancer, which has touched the lives of so many people?


Yahoo! Answers Staff Note: This is the real Hillary Clinton. See more details:


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Dear Senator Clinton,

It's a pleasure to see you taking the time to participate in Yahoo! Answers and to advocate for such an important topic as the eradication of breast cancer.

Our response to breast cancer will need to continue to be very diverse, focusing on a broad number of areas, including the following:

- Genetics
- Risk factors
- Prevention
- Screening and testing
- Treatment
- Statistics
- Literature
- Research
- Clinical trials

As individuals, there are several actions that we can take to work toward this worthy goal of eradication.

First, we can continue to write to our Congressional Representatives and Senators to express the need for continued funding for research and education.

Second, we can educate ourselves to the greatest degree possible on this disease, starting with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet (NIH Publication No. 05-1556), which has important information about breast cancer, including possible causes, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, supportive care, and how to cope with the disease.

Third, we can integrate this educational information into our lives by reducing our risk factors where possible, following best practices regarding screening and detection, and supporting each other through treatment and recovery.

By working together in a cooperative and collaborative manner, we certainly have the potential to prevent and someday eradicate this disease.


They can dig into the brain and cause memory problems and sinus problems, headaches, aneurysms, I suspect the also cause aortic aneurysms because the heart crushes them and dumps the digestive enzymes into the blood which weakens the exit from the heart the aorta. I have much more data. These things lay 4000 eggs per day. When an infected person goes to the bathroom they infest to the toilet and the next person could get a splash containing a surprise. They are resistant to almost all drugs. How can America believe that we are immune to an indestructible predator like this? It is all over the world. Someone needs to realize it is here and it could be most of the reason for Breast Cancer. Search Schistosoma and Neuro Schistosoma it is all out there. Chemo is poison to kill the cancer. Maybe it is not Cancer that is the main problem. What if this bug is making the cancer? The nematode might be resistant to Chemo. Blood tests for the nematode may not detect all strains. There are at least seven documented versions of the Schistosoma. I suspect millions of people are walking around infested. Moist environments can get infected and infect all others who touch these surfaces, drains, showers, bathrooms, fish tanks, standing water even damp soil. They think the Schistosoma needs a preliminary host. I have discovered that the schistosoma can use the human eyeball as a preliminary host. In fact it many not need a pre-host at all. This illness kills but the diagnosis is often death by aneurysm, breast or skin cancer, heart failure, lupus, pneumonia or a thousand other problems.

Amy H2006-10-02T16:51:04Z

My sister was diagnosed at age 38 at her first baseline mammogram. She then had a mastectomy and chemo but now she has been clear for 4 years. Thank God.
We were frustrated that none of her doctors asked for a detailed medical history or information on her lifestyle and eating habits etc. How will we ever find out what is causing Breast Cancer if nobody is asking for the details of the patient's lives???
We have heard about many things that may cause cancer but are these only found when a specific study is done on a research group? Why not just take down the patient's information and send it to a database where it can be compared to other cancer patients?
An example is the fact that my sister had used Retin-A for a long time as a teen/young adult--- that medication causes a lot of affects so who knows if it affected her cells? Also a year before the cancer diagnosis she had some strange symptoms that the doctors said was mono. Like itchy skin and yellow spots- this could have been something to do with the cancer. Who knows.
And the fact that she was slightly overweight since she was young. Or maybe a detergent or household cleaner is the culprit--- HOW WILL WE EVER KNOW IF NOBODY ASKS?


These things lay 4000 eggs per day. When an infected person goes to the bathroom they infest to the toilet and the next person could get a splash containing a surprise. They are resistant to almost all drugs. How can America believe that we are immune to an indestructible predator like this? It is all over the world. Someone needs to realize it is here and it could be most of the reason for Breast Cancer. Search Schistosoma and Neuro Schistosoma it is all out there. Chemo is poison to kill the cancer. Maybe it is not Cancer that is the main problem. What if this bug is making the cancer? The nematode might be resistant to Chemo. Blood tests for the nematode may not detect all strains. There are at least seven documented versions of the Schistosoma. I suspect millions of people are walking around infested. Moist environments can get infected and infect all others who touch these surfaces, drains, showers, bathrooms, fish tanks, standing water even damp soil. They think the Schistosoma needs a preliminary host. I have discovered that the schistosoma can use the human eyeball as a preliminary host. In fact it many not need a pre-host at all. This illness kills but the diagnosis is often death by aneurysm, breast or skin cancer, heart failure, lupus, pneumonia or a thousand other problems. There is an effective simple treatment for infestation this but American doctors can't diagnose this for some reason?

T S2006-10-02T18:22:18Z


Once apon a time there was natural selection. Much disease was eliminated, as the weak dis not survive. The Patriarcial world didn't have much use for unproductive women and older women. Thus cancer adapted to survive. Mean, but plasable.

Two methods of genetic engineering, probably both will have to be used.
1. BRAVE NEW WORLD [by a. Huxley]. In the tube, selection of the finest (what ever the "parents" call fit). In this capitalistic society that is rapidly sliding towards communism (just look at the smoking issue, being rammed down the mouths of what are really addicts [and I'm going off to hae some 'N'-gum, but it is not as rapid and satisfying as smoke through te lungs; ask any crack addict], thus sick people that need to be treated, but the complisid state thinks othersise), the parents, deemed fit, have the right and obligation to gaise the children that they produce (good, bad and crippled), thus they also should have the right to produce the best that they have or can get (sorry dear Catholics, thus the world is FULL (enough)).
2. Genetic Manipulation. Generally, viral innoculation with the genes that prevent such mutations that lead to cancer.

Now back to the start. In ancient Denmark, people lived in lodges. Nice long things with a fire pit in the middle. There was dust, smoke, incomplete burnt carbonic gue that came fron the tree pitch that was quite CARSONIGENIC. And not all the people died, infact many live into their ripe old days. You see, our bodies have the power to heal, but some better than others. Some are so fragile that they die at birth..You get the drift. With the world overloaded beyond any conceivable substainable population load, it is now the time to switch from qunity to quality and when all the muslim nukes go off, well all that health-nut stuff will be nulified against a background of significantly increased radiation.
Hilliary.. When Bill sent alll those Titan II to Isreal, it didn't help the problem in Arkansas or the middle east or the lonterm effects of increased radiation that will cause breast cancer.
LOL and I will not vote for you.

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