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Anonymous asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

How can we help to prevent and someday eradicate breast cancer, which has touched the lives of so many people?


Yahoo! Answers Staff Note: This is the real Hillary Clinton. See more details:

4,915 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dear Senator Clinton,

    It's a pleasure to see you taking the time to participate in Yahoo! Answers and to advocate for such an important topic as the eradication of breast cancer.

    Our response to breast cancer will need to continue to be very diverse, focusing on a broad number of areas, including the following:

    - Genetics

    - Risk factors

    - Prevention

    - Screening and testing

    - Treatment

    - Statistics

    - Literature

    - Research

    - Clinical trials

    As individuals, there are several actions that we can take to work toward this worthy goal of eradication.

    First, we can continue to write to our Congressional Representatives and Senators to express the need for continued funding for research and education.

    Second, we can educate ourselves to the greatest degree possible on this disease, starting with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) booklet (NIH Publication No. 05-1556), which has important information about breast cancer, including possible causes, screening, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, supportive care, and how to cope with the disease.

    Third, we can integrate this educational information into our lives by reducing our risk factors where possible, following best practices regarding screening and detection, and supporting each other through treatment and recovery.

    By working together in a cooperative and collaborative manner, we certainly have the potential to prevent and someday eradicate this disease.

    Source(s): What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer (NIH 05-1556)
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They can dig into the brain and cause memory problems and sinus problems, headaches, aneurysms, I suspect the also cause aortic aneurysms because the heart crushes them and dumps the digestive enzymes into the blood which weakens the exit from the heart the aorta. I have much more data. These things lay 4000 eggs per day. When an infected person goes to the bathroom they infest to the toilet and the next person could get a splash containing a surprise. They are resistant to almost all drugs. How can America believe that we are immune to an indestructible predator like this? It is all over the world. Someone needs to realize it is here and it could be most of the reason for Breast Cancer. Search Schistosoma and Neuro Schistosoma it is all out there. Chemo is poison to kill the cancer. Maybe it is not Cancer that is the main problem. What if this bug is making the cancer? The nematode might be resistant to Chemo. Blood tests for the nematode may not detect all strains. There are at least seven documented versions of the Schistosoma. I suspect millions of people are walking around infested. Moist environments can get infected and infect all others who touch these surfaces, drains, showers, bathrooms, fish tanks, standing water even damp soil. They think the Schistosoma needs a preliminary host. I have discovered that the schistosoma can use the human eyeball as a preliminary host. In fact it many not need a pre-host at all. This illness kills but the diagnosis is often death by aneurysm, breast or skin cancer, heart failure, lupus, pneumonia or a thousand other problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    My sister was diagnosed at age 38 at her first baseline mammogram. She then had a mastectomy and chemo but now she has been clear for 4 years. Thank God.

    We were frustrated that none of her doctors asked for a detailed medical history or information on her lifestyle and eating habits etc. How will we ever find out what is causing Breast Cancer if nobody is asking for the details of the patient's lives???

    We have heard about many things that may cause cancer but are these only found when a specific study is done on a research group? Why not just take down the patient's information and send it to a database where it can be compared to other cancer patients?

    An example is the fact that my sister had used Retin-A for a long time as a teen/young adult--- that medication causes a lot of affects so who knows if it affected her cells? Also a year before the cancer diagnosis she had some strange symptoms that the doctors said was mono. Like itchy skin and yellow spots- this could have been something to do with the cancer. Who knows.

    And the fact that she was slightly overweight since she was young. Or maybe a detergent or household cleaner is the culprit--- HOW WILL WE EVER KNOW IF NOBODY ASKS?

  • 7 years ago

    These things lay 4000 eggs per day. When an infected person goes to the bathroom they infest to the toilet and the next person could get a splash containing a surprise. They are resistant to almost all drugs. How can America believe that we are immune to an indestructible predator like this? It is all over the world. Someone needs to realize it is here and it could be most of the reason for Breast Cancer. Search Schistosoma and Neuro Schistosoma it is all out there. Chemo is poison to kill the cancer. Maybe it is not Cancer that is the main problem. What if this bug is making the cancer? The nematode might be resistant to Chemo. Blood tests for the nematode may not detect all strains. There are at least seven documented versions of the Schistosoma. I suspect millions of people are walking around infested. Moist environments can get infected and infect all others who touch these surfaces, drains, showers, bathrooms, fish tanks, standing water even damp soil. They think the Schistosoma needs a preliminary host. I have discovered that the schistosoma can use the human eyeball as a preliminary host. In fact it many not need a pre-host at all. This illness kills but the diagnosis is often death by aneurysm, breast or skin cancer, heart failure, lupus, pneumonia or a thousand other problems. There is an effective simple treatment for infestation this but American doctors can't diagnose this for some reason?

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  • 1 decade ago


    Once apon a time there was natural selection. Much disease was eliminated, as the weak dis not survive. The Patriarcial world didn't have much use for unproductive women and older women. Thus cancer adapted to survive. Mean, but plasable.

    Two methods of genetic engineering, probably both will have to be used.

    1. BRAVE NEW WORLD [by a. Huxley]. In the tube, selection of the finest (what ever the "parents" call fit). In this capitalistic society that is rapidly sliding towards communism (just look at the smoking issue, being rammed down the mouths of what are really addicts [and I'm going off to hae some 'N'-gum, but it is not as rapid and satisfying as smoke through te lungs; ask any crack addict], thus sick people that need to be treated, but the complisid state thinks othersise), the parents, deemed fit, have the right and obligation to gaise the children that they produce (good, bad and crippled), thus they also should have the right to produce the best that they have or can get (sorry dear Catholics, thus the world is FULL (enough)).

    2. Genetic Manipulation. Generally, viral innoculation with the genes that prevent such mutations that lead to cancer.

    Now back to the start. In ancient Denmark, people lived in lodges. Nice long things with a fire pit in the middle. There was dust, smoke, incomplete burnt carbonic gue that came fron the tree pitch that was quite CARSONIGENIC. And not all the people died, infact many live into their ripe old days. You see, our bodies have the power to heal, but some better than others. Some are so fragile that they die at birth..You get the drift. With the world overloaded beyond any conceivable substainable population load, it is now the time to switch from qunity to quality and when all the muslim nukes go off, well all that health-nut stuff will be nulified against a background of significantly increased radiation.

    Hilliary.. When Bill sent alll those Titan II to Isreal, it didn't help the problem in Arkansas or the middle east or the lonterm effects of increased radiation that will cause breast cancer.

    LOL and I will not vote for you.

    Source(s): Sinling Society and Iron John by Robert Bye
  • 1 decade ago

    Breast Cancer first touched my life when I was 11 and my mother was diagnosed with it. After a radical mastectomy, chemo and radiation, she died 2 years later.

    I think her death MIGHT have been avoided if she had chosen to fight it with a raw food and juice diet, which cleanses and revives the body. Instead, doctors chopped out half of her chest, pumped her full of poisonous chemo and then radiated her. It's a wonder that anyone lives through that.

    When I was 15 I found a lump in my own breast and almost panicked. My doctor told me the cause was from caffeine, and if I quit drinking coffee and soda, the huge lump would go away, which it quickly did. How many women never hear that?

    Sweat and hair are outlets for poison exiting the body. That's a fact. Most women probably shave their underarms, and then antiperspirant or deodorants prevent the sweat from exiting with the poisons. This could cause poisons and toxins, that should have been excreted in that area, to collect in the breast area, and eventually turn into a tumor. If your body is not excreting toxins, you will have a "cancer" or disease.

    Having an unhealthy colon is the real root of the problem. People have no common sense when it comes to their own body, but are never educated about it and are taught that a pill is going to cure them, and are also taught to not question what a doctor says.

    I am a semi educated 30 year old female and my common sense brought this to my attention, and if I can figure it out, why can't a doctor that goes to medical school for several years?

    I wish that someone with a real voice, an unbiased person, could tell women the reality of the situation. That's what will save lives. Unfortunately, that will probably never happen because of all the money made on so called cancer treatments. No one is making money prescribing a fruit and a veggie, or a colon cleansing.

    I am more than happy to elaborate, and thank you for reading.



    Source(s): Common Sense
  • 1 decade ago

    I think the heath cost now days is 90% of the breast cancer issue..... Really!! And the other 10% is the teaching. Think about it. Amost all women know the symptoms of it and wont go get checked because they cant afford the dr. visit and it can be cured at an early stage. The other 10% is because the kids drop out of school so early cause they dont care about it cause it is so boring and that has a lot to do with the teachers not caring anymore, why? because they dont get paid enough money. Why is it that doc. bills are so high for doc. to get paid soooo much when the most important job in the world is teaching and they get paid zip!! Teaching has a lot to do with the future and how people live it now if they would pay teachers more they would care more to teach and not loose interest in the kids and how they learn and they would listen more to the teachers and when they teach the different diseases and how to prevent them the students will know what to do if there is a chance that they could have breast cancer or any disease for that matter, and the doc. bill should be affordable for them so it can be prevented. That will solve everything!!!! Low medical and higher pay for teachers!!!!! After all the teachers are the future and medical keep them going. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I really can't believe that some people are seriously contemplating what to write to "you", "Hillary", even letting themselves believe when they say what an honor it is to get to respond to you (way to go MK-ULTRA). As if you are taking notes so that "maybe" someone can give you the answer. If you have ever actually tried to research any of this the LAST TIME YOU SAID YOU CARED ABOUT HEALTHCARE, then you would ALREADY KNOW all of the ways we can prevent cancer of ALL kinds.

    And yes the answers are really here in many of these responses, and these are just regular people, who really care about others, there's the difference. And IF "you" read any of these other than the stats to see if this is a "DO-able" campaign strategy, you would ALREADY know what the cures are since there are many out of the hundreds that I have read through that cover the facts that there has been evidence for DECADES of the causes and preventions or dare we say CURES. Dont' get that wrong and give the American people the CURSE for cancer either, it's an easy type-o.

    Bottom line, the answers are already out there so here you go with your campaign data, that would be a NO vote from me.

    PS - Did you make it to the Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa this year? Say hi to the neocons, and your Khazarian Jewish backers (or, are they backing you the same as Bill?, I bet so). Oh yeah, I forgot, you aren't actually going to read this. Don't even think of calling this anti-semitic either, because it's the same as if I say Jeffery Dammer (white) was a psycho and the ADL says I think all whites are psychos. Good Jews, bad Jews, good whites, bad whites, good any race, bad any race. So am I a racist if I say that LBJ escaped prison becuase JFK was shot? An occultist is an occultist in my book no matter what shapes they take and/or symbols on the wall. Does this mean I'm on the red list? Get ready babe, cause if you get in, it's only so it can all be blamed on the WOMAN, the plans are already in place whether you know it or not. You really should fear your own ego.

    Source(s): My sources are the truth. It's not always the easiest to find since the media is controlled, BUT IT ONLY TAKES THE WILLPOWER AND CARING, something "you" will never know. I wish you were reading these.
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not a doctor or researcher, but I do have some thoughts on the subject.

    I suppose the logical key to preventing and eradicating breast cancer is to find out what causes the cancer. However, that may be compared to "finding a needle in a haystack". Maybe we need to focus on stopping or curing the cancer once it has been found.

    As a breast cancer survivor, my chances of having breast cancer were less than 1/2 of 1%. There was no family history, I don't smoke, I exercise, eat right, and yet I was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago. It was caught early and my prognosis is good. Yet I don't know why I had breast cancer. Am I a fluke, or are our chances so random that anyone could have it no matter how well we take care of ourselves; how would we know who was at risk? Can having a lot of stress increase our risks? That sounds too arbitrary. Everyone has different levels and tolerances of stress, if it where a cause, how can we measure that?

    I now worry for my daughters, until my diagnosis, we had no family history. Now their chances are so much higher.

    I'm afraid I have more questions than suggestions. But I do hope we find a cure for the sake of my daughters and all the people who suffer from this disease. From my point of view, the cure would have to be after the cancer is found. There are too many types of breast cancer to think we could have one "magic bullet" that would prevent or eradicate everything.

  • 1 decade ago

    Government Hospital instead of private hospitals where anyone can go to get a full check up who can not afford it or pay a reduce price. VA hospital could be a good idea but it is crowded enough. The other idea is getting government clinics that will charge a low price or free exams.

    The first thing you need to do is to identify the low income families who can not afford a check up. Even the middle class has problems with high insurance payments. The rich well they do the best they can. The early stage could be by identifying the gene. The main idea is to find what activates that gene. Like example; the generic chicken sold in fast food restaurants that had a chemical that caused cancer. It makes you wonder for how many years did this people did not know which could have been prevented but grid and money was more important than health. Who is monitoring this not the food and drug administration because if they did it would not be happening. Out so many people how many had cancer for that reason. I can understand internal normal cancer that we have inside but when someone else increases the chance I consider it unfair but they get away with it. Money will not replace the hurt.

    Source(s): Internet, Gene Info, News CNN,
  • 1 decade ago

    Masectomies for all women. That'll do it.

    I could give great reasons for this. This would eradicate the disease. Men & Women would no longer be obsessed with boobs... because no one would have any. This would make women more like men (feminists are you listening?). In some cases you wouldn't even be able to tell female from male. We could then bottle feed all babies, allowing women to work more and Dad could feed them.

    Now all this said. This is ludicrous... and that's what politics are all about... Something that sounds good... but is unrealistic.

    All those who say breast cancer screening should be cheap or FREE or be some government program. WHERE are we going to pay for such a program? It isn't free or cheap people. It never is. SOMEONE has to PAY for it. Breast cancer is a terrible disease. I would never wish it on any woman, but there are more potent killers (women and men) out there. We spend 4 times more on breast cancer than prostate cancer for men. Where's the thread for that?

    Hillary, you should be spotlighting those killer diseases just as much (if not more!). Why aren't you? It's political. Always will be with you Hillary. Always will be. A senator has no more power over the cure for Breast cancer than I do. Funding... maybe, but you wouldn't be the only senator for/against it.

    I love the tag of "which has touched the lives of so many people" in the question. How about heart disease? How about leukemia? How about MS? Downs Syndrome? Alzheimers? Those don't touch the lives of many?

    This is political... period. If this thread was serious it would be on a science or nutritional website. But since it's on Yahoo, one of the bigger search engines... it's gotta be something else. Any guesses anyone?

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