What REALISTIC Solutions Are There To The Palestinian Situation?

No fanatical frothing at the mouth or religious jibberish, hate or stupidity from any side of the divide; if you have nothing to contribute to this question please answer another. Please to not bring "God" into the debate; this is a situation created by people, requiring solution by people.

The politicians, militaries, fanatics and vested interests have had their kick at the can, with the result that the entire Middle East has become a highly unstable powder keg that is also used by extremists to advance their own aims.

We can no more stand by and watch yet another generation being born into a life in a camp than we can watch yet another generation having to live life in a constant state of fear of being blown to smithereens.


Favorite Answer

The world needs to stand between Israel and Palestine, forcefully if necessary! The world must stay there 60 years so that the current living will die out. Too much bitterness on both sides.

The world must review what is taught in the schools so as the history is real not slanted. Killing and hatred must be edited from the school. The worth of every living thing must be taught.

The world cannot take sides in this effort, that is why America has failed so miserably!

The Palestinians did call for UN troops to be stationed between the two, but the US and Israel vetoed that request! WHY?


Make a Palestinian State in the Southern part of Jordan and Syria like the UN did for Israel in 1947.


Huh... Realistic? Undo history until British mandate on Palestine ended, and erase the idea of the State of Israel from the smartass*s that created it. The rest would be miraculous solutions.

Brian L2006-10-13T10:31:17Z

A nice, good old-fashioned plague to wipe out everyone on the earth.

Until then, you'll always see tensions.