AISHWARYA RAI, does her face has international FLAVOUR ???

AshRai is Indian but she looks International ?


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Somehow 'International flavor' makes her sound like something you'd find in the gournmet section of the supermarket, like cheese and curry. I would prefer to say 'An Indian beauty with international appeal'.
She is perhaps the most stunning beauty to have emerged on the international stage in decades. Most of the Hollywood 'glamour queens' can't hold a candle to her. Not even Angelina Jolie.


No. She looks like a glamourous Indian woman, but she doesn't have an international face.


real she is an stunning attractiveness and confident she is misjudge and all. its a pity yet wager human beings merely cant take it observing a tremendously face achieving the pinacle of fulfillment. jealousy and all assaults! love the question whilst in comparison with different lame question ppl submit no count if or no longer is Aishwarya is the main eye-catching.. etc of direction she is!


See I have noticed that she looks amazing in Indian clothes rather than western ,western clothes make her look like any other actress as far as looking international maybe she does as well as Katrina.

Dr Dee2006-10-14T02:32:46Z


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