Are we going to war with Iran anyway?

As I write, the U.S. Navy's Second Fleet has dispatched the aircraft carrier Eisenhower, attended by a strike group of subordinate ships, from its Norfolk home to the Persian Gulf, where it is due to arrive on Oct. 21. The strike group will link up with other pre-positioned military assets, and could easily start a war with Iran, making it part of the ultimate October Surprise.


not going there for war? that was written by a high offical - just look around for it

Lake Lover2006-10-15T23:04:45Z

Favorite Answer

Could just be a show of force, unless there is something going on we all don't know about yet. Don't jump to conclusions.


Absolutely, that is why Bush is letting the UN and Russia and China handle N. Korea. I have been screaming this since the fleet left last week. I am telling you this is about controlling the oil the world will need at the end of oil and will assure a few oil companies will stay rich as long as possible. Saddam nationalized the oil and was going to change the currency to the euro from the dollar to base value and both are very bad for profits.


They are not there to start a war. They were sent just so that if a war does happen, they can end it as quickly as possible. The U.S. has the most amazing global mobility that, when it comes down to it, guards our country and our way of life, and many people do not appreciate it. I don't think we will go to war with Iran, but I do think we may have another Cold War, so we can just hope both countries keep their cool and avoid rash decisions.


Pasdaran is running around wondering.....ok, now that we've exhausted all of our death squads, now what? LOL! Every Irani I have ever met has been ...perfect word....smarmy...and thinks Americans are stupid, and too stupid to know that this is what they think of us too. But we are in standby on Iran for now.


Bush seems determined to get us all killed.

Let's see him get his daughters to enlist, actually show up for duty and get deployed to the middle east if he's so convinced it's such a good thing.

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