What should I put in my hospital bag for when I deliver?

I want to prepare the bag Im taking to the hospital when I go into labor, but I have no idea what I should have in it, for the baby and for me as well.


So they provide everything for the baby? I just have to take the going out clothes for him?


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I am a doula and these are some useful items some clients have brought: their own pillow, hard candies to help with thirst because you won't be allowed to eat during labor, non-red sno-cone syrup to add to the ice chips they give you, Massage oil, a CD of favorite distracting songs, extra camera batteries and even an extra camera (mine malfuntioned during one of my son's births), snacks for partner so that they won't leave for the cafeteria when you despretely need them, and a rice sock (fill a long sock with rice and tie the end). The nurses will be happy to pop the rice sock in their microwave for a minute and then you can use it on your back or the bottom of your belly, and the moist warmth will make the contractions more barable. As for after delivery: Bring some comfy loungewear (jammies) that are dark enough to hide blood (just in case), you will bleed like your heaviest period ever after delivery. Bring your own jumbo overnight pads in a brand you like. No one likes the hospital brand, it's not even a brand LOL, it's like cotton stuffed in a paper tube. Also bring some stretchy outfit for going home in. Some women shrink down pretty well right after delivery and some still look 6 months pregnant for a couple weeks, so something that would fit between 3 and 7 months pregnant would be good. Bring your toiletries, a calling card (lots of hospitals don't allow cell phones), Baby's Record Book if you have one so you can write things down before you forget and maybe get the nurse to stamp Baby's feet in it, bring a cozy going home outfit for the baby and a blanket, the hospital will tell you that you can't take that neat blue and pink striped one they wrap your baby in (you will stuff it in your suitcase anyway as a keepsake, but you'll still need something to wrap baby in on the way out). What you CAN bring home is all the Pampers Swaddlers that the drawer under Baby's bassinet will be filled with, along with the baby brush and hat in there and any other paper products you find. If you find you have forgotton some hygeine-type item, ask the nurses for help, remember they're working for you! Hope you have a great delivery.


I just brought mini bottles of my shampoo and conditioner and your basic toiletries(toothbrush, etc..). I made sure to pack some comfortable clothes. I packed a few of my favorite healthy snacks since you can't always get food when you are hungry. For the baby, I brought some cute warm socks for her to wear and the outfit for her hospital picture. My doctor told me I didn't have to bring anything other than clothes to take her home in since they have clothes for the baby to wear until you leave. She wore her hospital hat until we left also, even though I had brought one that matched her little socks!
What I ended up getting the most out of was some warm comfy socks and a robe and those healthy snacks. I had an all-night painful labor with an IV and epidural, and by the time I COULD eat without throwing up, the cafeteria was closed! Thank god I packed some food!!!
I have heard of people suggest to take a tennis ball for your partner to rub or press into your lower back when you have contractions (if you are experiencing back pain). I WISH I would have done this, good god it felt like my spine was going to explode out of my a** every time I had a contraction!!! My poor labor nurse was trying to give me a massage but she just ended up making me really irritated lol.
Something for you to think about I guess lol. Everybody's labor is different and we can't predict what will happen!


Bath robe
toothbrush + pasta
To go home clothes (better if you still wear ur pregnancy clothes)
Underwear of course
Breastfeeding bra
Book/snack (just in case)
1 pair your baby clothes + hat + baby glove+ boots/socks for going home
(usually hospitals will give you some clothes for your baby)
Some diapers


robe and slippers, something for the baby to wear home, something for you to wear home and a camera. you really don't need to much, i packed a full bag and i ended up not even taking anything out of it. maybe your phone book so u can make calls after you have your baby, and make a few snacks u might get hungry at night and they don't give you anything besides crackers! and that hospital food is nasty, so definitely snacks.

just had to add, to the comment above mine: "you might bleed lightly for a few days" um u obvioulsy don't have kids, u WILL bleed HEAVY for a few WEEKS.


you may want to bring some pads also, you might bleed lightly after the delivery for a couple of days. also supplies for feeding the baby if you plan on bottle feeding. p.s. diapers too. you never know what the hospital supplies and what it wont

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