Which is the worst of the Seven Deadly Sins?


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well, if you are a religious person, the Bible does say something to the extent of: "All sins are equal in the eyes of God." and then goes on to basically say thinking about committing the sin is just as bad as actually committing it...

If you aren't...I would probably also lean towards murder...


In God's Eyes which sin is more deadly than the other? Does 1 keep you from going to Heaven? Or does it take 3? Or does it take all 7? I think 7 deadly, means all, rank the same! A sin is a sin. And we all are guilty, are we not? If we say not, then we lie> Oops

R C2006-10-21T19:18:48Z

Um, yeah. The worst 'sin' is believing there are '7 deadly sins'. What a load. So I think the worst 'sin' is stupidity, for believing all that stuff in the first place. What a waste of a perfectly good brain.

Abby S2006-10-21T19:12:05Z

I think the worst of the seven is Pride. Pride, to me, seems to father some of the other deadlies. It is also the sin which separated Satan from God and banished him and his supporters to an eternity of fire. Another factor to me is how pride works on redemption. Say I commit adultery. If I can admit that what I have done was wrong and ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness will be granted. However, if I am prideful and do not believe that I should ask for forgiveness, I can not be forgiven and in turn will be separating myself further from God more than the actual sin itself would have. Does that make sense?

sharmaine k2006-10-21T19:06:40Z

Pride is the worst of the seven deadly sins.

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