Does anybody own a gel fuel fireplace ?
I was wondering if anyone had a gel-fuel fireplace if so what kind of fuel gel do you use. The one i have has a odor left to desire, don't care much for it.
I was wondering if anyone had a gel-fuel fireplace if so what kind of fuel gel do you use. The one i have has a odor left to desire, don't care much for it.
Favorite Answer
I do. I didn't buy the gel fuel (they carry it on ebay), as I use a tealight candlabra thingy I burn tealights on. They also have the tealight birch logs. Check around the net. I saw a few different scents. The fake log that came with, I didn't care for. Would like to find a better looking log, then I might buy the gel. Do you know where I can find a better looking log?
Here's what I have now:
I hate it. It uses these sterno things and it stinks. I am also always afraid it's going to burn down the house.
Katie C