getting an early start?

i am 14 and i was wondering if i could do anything now to help me in the future of being a commercial airline pilot. i think i am old enogh to get a licence or somthing but i am just wandering what all i need to do and the steps to becoming a commercial airline pilot. i know that they have to have at least somthing i believe around 15,000 hours of flight time or somthing for most airliners to even look at you but yeah so help please!


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i am sure u can but u have to study hard and love this job because i am sure u will success in the future


You can definitely start taking lessons at 14, I started when I was 13. You best bet is to go to your local airport and stop by the flight school and schedule an Introductory Flight to make sure that this is something that you really want to do. After that you can start your lessons, although you can not get you license until you are 17.
You can also consider going to a college or university that has programs dedicated to aviation. Embry-Riddle and Daniel Webster are just a couple that are out there.

Good Luck and you've picked a great industry to get involved in!!!!

John C2006-10-22T21:09:46Z

Do good in math and science and then go to college. The way to deal with the hours thing is that while your in college you will be racking up the hours needed for your commercial aviation degree or whatever degree you choose. Its normal for students to graduate with just a little under the required amount of flight hours needed, so the school will hire to students back as additional flight instuctors until you gain enough hours to start applying for jobs. This addtional time is usually about a semester more or less for what im told. check my source website for more aviation info


Get started on your private pilot's liscense, you can't get until you're 17, but you can start now. You can even go forward with your instrument rating training and do you're private and instrument checkrides on the same day if you start now, work hard, and are serious.

Also, sounds cheesy, but do good in school because it's almost impossible to get an airline job without a Bachelor's degree.

Good Luck!

Tyson R2006-10-22T21:09:49Z

Go hang out at the local municipal airport,Sweep floors,Talk to the older people around,Help them clean, prep, fix their planes.
May even get free flying lessons from it :-)


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