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Anonymous asked in Cars & TransportationAircraft · 7 days ago

why do many people fear travelling by air but not keeping of big dogs?

yearly over 50,000 people die from dog-related attacks whereas only less than 500 people die from plane crash annually, that's a huge difference...

I for example just got chased and nearly killed by angry dogs earlier when I was riding a bike

5 Answers

  • You'd love my dog then.

    "FLUFFY" (his real name) is a 120 pound neutered Cane Corso that has had some security training. He's fiercely devoted to me and and my safety and you would definitely NOT ride your bike through my property.

    And the primary reason is that Fluffy has a taste for upper thigh meat and crotch delicacies. Press the issue and he'll graduate to your throat area.

    Oh, and I'm a private pilot so flying doesn't bother me either. Sadly, I sold my plane a few years ago - - TO EXPENSIVE !!

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Your statistics are BS - you are lumping world wide numbers that include rabies - in third world unregulated countries. Read it and weep for being so ridiculous.

  • Scott
    Lv 7
    7 days ago

    I have a 90 pound pit bull and I am not scared of her. I am also not scared of air travel.

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    How many people die from murder each year?

    The answer is over 400000. And each murder is committed by human beings.

    Yet people keep people around...

    (and that is assuming that your 50000 figure is real, which I doubt)

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  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    You were nearly killed earlier today, yet you're now well enough to be fooling around online? That seems implausible. How many stitches did you need? What bones are broken? How many units of blood did you get?

    And I don't believe 50,000 people a year die from dog attacks. Cite a source.

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