I invite everyone to view my profile, I am a 57 year old grandmother.?

I am very hurt that I have been accused of such a heinous crime. I would like to let the person who answered my other question to know that she may have thought it was funny to say that but I don't.
People can be very cruel!


Favorite Answer

I just visited your site.Not bad for a start!

Scott T2006-10-23T10:47:03Z

Hey lady, all hurt feelings aside, you gotta realize you're on the internet. Yeah it was a cruel joke but the bottom line is just that--it was a joke. So calm down and let it go, it wasn't real!! Just a trick of the hyperlinks.



I was kind of upset when I first clicked on the link. It is an echo of our own site. Glad I have a brother that's very computer savvy. Ignore the rude people on here, we're not all that way.


Lighten up sweetie!!
Relax, it's not a big deal. Ignore jerks like that and just let things go. Drawing more attention to it like you are doing is only going make matters worse and all of us who were blissfully unaware of it are now drawn into it, so now you have even more attention you didn't want.

Best to just take a deep breath, ignore, and go on.
Jerks abound online.


whoa, ease up there little lady, just what the hell are you banging on about? stalking?

Who cares what other people. All that you need to worry about it is that as long as sitting in an empty street in the middle of the night watching someone in their bedroom window is not your idea of stalking then you are absolutely fine!

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