What is your opinion between vengeance and not forgiveness?and why we don't like to forgive?

يا حسين2006-10-23T19:39:38Z

Favorite Answer

Forgiveness is easier in the long run, but people prefer vengeance because they are very emotional and prefer to think with their heart instead of their head.

Revenge is a waste of time; it might make you feel good for a little while, but you could have been doing something cooler instead.

janine b2006-10-23T19:47:03Z

When someone has done a wrong against you, and you are unable to forgive, it is ok to no longer want anything to do with the person who harmed you or wronged you. That is to not forgive. Vengeance is when you want to hurt or do wrong against the person that wronged you. Vengeance is wrong in any form. Today people do want to retaliate against anyone and everyone that does them wrong. Boy would you blow a person away if you said I forgive you, and then just let it go. An example of that is the incident with the amish schoolhouse, where a sick person went in an killed innocent people. The amish have forgiven this man who not only killed some young girls, but raped and molested them. You ask how can they forgive? They believe it is gods will and that none of us are perfect so how can we persecute another. I cant help but think the amish have it right. Just my opinion.


I think they both have our place in society. Our judicial system works on the principle of vengeance. An eye for an eye. Of course, vengeance can also occur outside of the courts as well. I have had someone close to me be a crime victim. The offender went unpunished. I understand the desire for vengeance. I wanted it for her, but like most law abiding citizens, I curb my desire. Forgiveness is harder to do than vengeance. It requires an inner peace with what has happened. Some people never get there. When you forgive, you move on. It is so hard to move on when you feel a situation has not been resolved. That is why people have a hard time with forgiveness.


Forgiveness is the only way to make a clean break with a harm done, whether to you or by you. To forgive means to put it away from you, to set it aside. Vengeance is to embrace all that is bad about a situation and plant it firmly into your own heart. Seeking revenge will only end in emptiness. When you think you have it, there is no fulfillment, and quite often remorse that now there is an emptiness where once there was such great passion,(hate, anger). It is however, perfectly natural to have that carnal, human, desire for vengeance. Very kin to GREED, and avarice.

35 YEARS OF INTUITION2006-10-23T20:25:48Z

Read a sign in front of a church..saying "Never carry a grudge..The weight gets heavier every step". I am myself struggling to forgive. People don't enjoy forgiving..for the simple fact that it makes them feel weak. In reality..to forgive someone will allow you to be free of the control they have on you. No matter what..forgiveness is more potent than revenge. Revenge will eat you alive...and may cause you more trouble than you are willing to defy. To forgive is one thing..to forget yet another. If you carry 10 bricks of revenge and forgive 10 bricks worth of angry distaste for another's actions...watch as your shoulders applaud, in unison w/ your mind.

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