Okay Everyone..Tell me what you think your most important "life lesson" has been-?

We all talk of marriage, and the birth of our children as a major "life moment" but I am talking "life lesson" that has changed you or your life-good or bad. "Life lesson" being something you will take to Heaven with you and report it to God and all..that HEY this changed my life,made me a different person,and I LEARNED from it.


Favorite Answer

That life is a short time and we should make our life a good time. Stress, and violence is a waste, love is everything, whether it is love for a sister, mom, dad, husband, children, or friends that is important. Hate is a wasted time spent and no vengence gives gratification. Creating is always better than destruction. Laughing is better than yelling at someone, or crying in sorrow. To be grateful for our health, and that we are not in pain. For every breath we take is a blessing if it is not in pain. Look at the bright side of every negative thought and we will have the answer of why to be grateful for no matter how bad it could be worse. To have integrity in everything we do. Be thankful for being able to help a friend. Joy comes from the gratification of success in making someone else happy, because in turn it makes you happy as well. Happiness is a vision in our own minds and that happiness is what we make it to be. Responsible for ourselves gives us independence and self reliance which means glory for the ego is really shallow, but respect that you get for being honorable and humble lasts a lifetime and we will take that much to heaven when we pass on.


Don't try to do everything; you can't.
Don't ask how someone is doing if you aren't willing to have a conversation.
Find one thing you love, and then learn how to sacrifice it. You'll find it addicting. And besides, nothing is worth anything if you aren't willing to sacrifice it.
Next time you see a rose, actually stop and smell it. If this is too cheesy for you, then you have no idea what kind of world you're not experiencing.
Think of ONE thing you would do if this were your last day. Now do it. If you do it once, you'll probably want to again.
One last thing, listen to your heart; it talks a lot, you'll find.

I'm sorry for not directly answering your question, but the stories and lessons behind what I've said above are too long and detailed to post here.

Been There2006-10-25T20:55:11Z

I'll just leave it at ... if I ever find myself in Cheyenne, Wyoming again, it will be utterly and completely against my will. I'd rather be dragged behind a car by my tongue than ever live there again. Cold 9 months out of the year, winds in excess of 50 mph all year long (except for about 2 weeks in spring, and dead still during the summer months when you need a breeze). One thing I did learn though, was that you never appreciate home until you get sent somewhere like Cheyenne. They say you can't go home, but you can. You just have to find where home is ... because it isn't always where you think it is.


I've learned that everyone needs a compass in life. Something you can always go back to that helps you remember where you came from and where you are going. Some people use religion for this compass...I use my connection to nature. Whatever it is, as long as it leads you in the right direction, it's something you need to stregthen and it should remain the most important thing in your life. No one can say another persons compass is right or wrong...it is just right for them.


For me, the Baha'i Faith was life-changing. In the space of two months, I underwent a transformation of character you wouldn't believe. I was dead, I was made alive.

Check out my source for further information.

Progressive Revelation

A great stumbling block to many, in the way of religious unity, is the difference between the Revelations given by the different Prophets. What is commanded by one is forbidden by another; how then can both be right, how can both be proclaiming the Will of God? Surely the truth is One, and cannot change. Yes, the Absolute Truth is One and cannot change, but the Absolute Truth is infinitely beyond the present range of human understanding, and our conceptions of it must constantly change. Our earlier, imperfect ideas will be by the Grace of God replaced, as time goes on, by more and more adequate conceptions. Bahá’u’lláh says, in a Tablet to some Bahá’ís of Persia:—
O people! Words are revealed according to capacity so that the beginners may make progress. The milk must be given according to measure so that the babe of the world may enter into the Realm of Grandeur and be established in the Court of Unity.
It is milk that strengthens the babe so that it can digest more solid food later on. To say that because one Prophet is right in giving a certain teaching at a certain time, therefore another Prophet must be wrong Who gives a different teaching at a different time, is like saying that because milk is the best food 123 for the newborn babe, therefore, milk and nothing but milk should be the food of the grown man also, and to give any other diet would be wrong! ‘Abdu’l-Bahá says:—
Each divine revelation is divided into two parts. The first part is essential and belongs to the eternal world. It is the exposition of Divine truths and essential principles. It is the expression of the Love of God. This is one in all the religions, unchangeable and immutable. The second part is not eternal; it deals with practical life, transactions and business, and changes according to the evolution of man and the requirements of the time of each Prophet. For example. … During the Mosaic period the hand of a person was cut off in punishment of a small theft; there was a law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but as these laws were not expedient in the time of Christ, they were abrogated. Likewise divorce had become so universal that there remained no fixed laws of marriage, therefore His Holiness Christ forbade divorce.

According to the exigencies of the time, His Holiness Moses revealed ten laws for capital punishment. It was impossible at that time to protect the community and to preserve social security without these severe measures, for the children of Israel lived in the wilderness of Tah, where there were no established courts of justice and no penitentiaries. But this code of conduct was not needed in the time of Christ. The history of the second part of religion is unimportant, because it relates to the customs of this life only; but the foundation of the religion of God is one, and His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh has renewed that foundation.
The religion of God is the One Religion, and all the Prophets have taught it, but it is a living and a growing thing, not lifeless and unchanging. In the teaching of Moses we see the Bud; in that of Christ the Flower; in that of Bahá’u’lláh the Fruit. The flower does not destroy the bud, nor does the fruit destroy the flower. It destroys not, but fulfills. The bud scales must fall in order that the flower may bloom, and the petals must fall that 124 the fruit may grow and ripen. Were the bud scales and the petals wrong or useless, then, that they had to be discarded? Nay, both in their time were right and necessary; without them there could have been no fruit. So it is with the various prophetic teachings; their externals change from age to age, but each revelation is the fulfillment of its predecessors; they are not separate or incongruous, but different stages in the life history of the One Religion, which has in turn been revealed as seed, as bud and as flower, and now enters on the stage of fruition.

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