Does sugar really make kids hyper or is it one of those myths?

Like you get sick from being chilled......


Favorite Answer

Myth but one that will never be believed studies show during a double blind test that kids acted the same after eating sugar treats and non sugar treats at events such as B-day and school parties. They just get going because its a party man and I ll get wild if i want too. Mom


I saw a tv show about this- and that show gave half kids in a daycare sugar, and the other half a placebo. All kids acted the same! So I'm not sure if I believe it'll make them more hyper or not.

Terrible Threes2006-10-31T22:20:18Z

Yes, sugar is a simple carbohydrate and can cause rushes and crashes.

I have a friend who's kids are allergic to sugar and even 100% juice makes them unable to control their behavior and emotions. It is bizzare, because they have no reaction to artificial sweeteners. If you tell them something is sugar-free and it isn't they go nuts, so it is not just suggestion as some people have answered!


I'm not sure. I think that most children do not have a problem with it, but today a girl I work with told me that she gets all crazy when she has too much sugar. And she's 27.

My nephew always gets real wild whenever he eats chocolate. Don't know what that's about.


I don't think it is. Honestly I'm a kid and I eat sugar ALL the time. I don't think that it is sugar that makes kids hyper. I think its the IDEA that sugar gets kids hyper.

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