Hmmm.....HELP Me Please????? See Details...?

Community Guideline 1g states;

1. YOU MAY NOT POST CONTENT (or links to content, including photos):

g. for commercial or advertising purposes, including classified ads.

What does that mean to us as Yahoo! Answers Users??

Would you explain that to me please?

Susan L2006-11-10T15:53:15Z

Favorite Answer

You can't post any outside links that isn't a Yahoo site.

sincerely yours2006-11-13T12:20:55Z

This Community Guideline is there to ensure that this site does not become overrun with spamming and advertising. It is intended to be a Question and Answer site - a repository for knowledge. This worthy part of the site would be totally swamped if anybody and everybody (including commercial companies) asked and answered questions JUST in order to get their product/company/dating agency/car franchise/etc., noticed by innocent people who just came here with the intent to use the site for its true intention.

Having said that, Yahoo retains the rights to any advertising on their OWN site - hence the odd advertisement seen from time to time. Since this site is subscription free then presumably the odd advertisement approved by Yahoo is intended to support the site financially.


It means Yahoo intends this to be a spam-free zone (YAY). t also means no "Car for sale" or "Lonely rich guy looking for superficial relationship" stuff, either.

But it's up to us users to report all instances of spam or other forms of advertising so they can remove them all and ban the users who don't get it.

This is NOT a Get Rich Quick Scheme; Make Millions Overnight!



you are not allowed to post links that will take you to advertising sites, where there are personal ads, or classified ads. you cant post links to your own personal websites or to sites where you might be enticed to buy something.


this is the very reason why I am quitting yahoo tonight...just waiting to notify my friends using my main email account with internet service....have been on yahoo for months and give up understanding the two violations yesterday as the details added in the answer were not in the form of an answer...enough of this

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