I think my dog is really sick!!! Please Help?

My dog is a 6 year old pit bull. He has not ate in over 24 hours and he has lost alittle weight over the past couple months. Tonight he had diareah all over the house and no he is laying on the floor and not moving, i am getting pretty worried. Can anyone help me?


He passed away!! Thank you everyone for your help..and for those with the negative comments, thanks for making my day even brighter.


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i would take him to the vet as soon as possible, and if this isn't a possibility, then don't make him move if he doesnt want to, and try to keep him hydrated. If he won't drink water, give him ice cubes. But i would take him to the vet.


I have had 2 dogs that got deathly ill, and the one whose symptoms match yours had parvo. This CAN be deadly, but don't lose hope. My dog survived and came out of it just fine. But you need to get him to a vet immediately or call an emergency 24-hour vet line. You will be surprised to find that there are many professional vets that will do house calls if your dog's situation is deemed serious. The other dog I had that got sick like that died in 2 days, and we had her examined afterwards and found out that someone had fed her meat laced with rat poisoning (we raised rottweilers, and some prejudiced idiot killed her). But her symptoms progressed to bloody vomit and stools. Either way, when your dog won't eat, has diarrhea, and is too weak to stand, it is gravely dangerous to ignore.


You really need to take him to the vet ASAP. Could he have gotten into any poisons (household) or Antifreeze? Has he been checked for worms? Sometimes they can get really sick. They can become lethargic. Call the vet in the morning, he could become dehydrated if he is not eating, especially drinking. Good Luck and hope he gets better. I have a 7 year old female pit and she was sick also last night, but better today.


Make sure he at least drinks water so he does not get dehydrated. Boil some chicken and mix it with rice (you want more rice than chicken). Give him a couple tablespoons every hour or so to see if he will eat it. It will calm his stomach and stop the diarrhea until you get him an appt at the vet because if he is losing weight and not eating there is a problem. Please don't let him suffer....get him some help.


Why are you wasting time asking questions on the internet when you should be taking the time instead to take your pet to the vet. This is an emergency and you are making your pet suffer by making the pet wait until you do something about it. If you love your pet - act responsible - and take the pet to the vet to get immediate help.

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