why make a weapon.?

why why why


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Consider the beast in the forest with claws, sharp teeth,strength and inbuilt poisons. Mother nature has provided these for survival purposes both defensive and offensive.
We believe ourselves to be at the top of the "food chain", yet without weapons we are no match for the lion, bear, alligator etc.To sustain our lifestyle we must use our best weapon, the brain. Unfortunately we are also unable to distinguish between the beast in the forest who may want us for food and our fellow man who wants to be the more powerful one. Therefore we fight, and the best way to win a fight is to have a weapon which is better than our opponent. Hence the continual search for the ultimate weapon. Nature.


It can be sum up to one word "Survival"

It started back in the day when homo sapiens first invented hunting tools for survival purposes. Later on, those tools are utilized as protective weapons against predators. Then, the weapons become more advanced through time until the present day where they're getting out of hand.


This question, begs the question of ignorance.


to have power.