Favorite Answer
plastic bucket. flavors dont transfer. carboys are better for lagering or improving flavor after you get your brew off the trub.
I use all glass. Why, I just prefer carboys. They will last forever and you have way more advantages. You also will get to see the primary ferment, it is pretty cool to watch. Everything is endlessly swirling around, like it is being constantly stirred by an invisible spoon. Just make sure it has enough head space for all the foam. You need a 6 gallon carboy otherwise it will start bubbling up through the airlock.
Plastic bucket first during rapid fermentation, then move to carboy with an airlock to finish.
wine or beer?
beer I would for sure in bucket
wine could go to carboy but put a blow off tube in stopper in case of the fermentation getting out of control
I usually put all my homebrews in primary bucket then after a week transfer to carboy.
If you are talking about making beer, you should mix it in a bucket, because all the ingredients need to be stirred together. You can transfer it into whatever containers you want after it's mixed.