Do you think this system is going fall like the roman empire?


this government system


Give me supporting facts of where you got your information from

If you know your bible pretty, its a good place to start. Revelation gives a very good explanation of when judgment day comes.


Revelation talks about Judgment day but doesn't tell us the exact date.

Nico Pulcher2006-12-16T18:03:56Z

Favorite Answer

When the U.S. is actually threatened by it's own army and we have civil wars that last decades then we can begin worrying. When the U.S. comes to the point of having citizen-generals like a Marius, Sulla, or Caesar marching on DC and killing U.S. citizens as a means to rule, then we might see a parallel with both the fall of the Roman republic and empire.

Rome also "fell" because other nations, tribes, peoples, etc... equaled or surpassed it's military power. Also the late empire, to support its bloated imperial bureaucracy, taxed its citizenry to desperation with people hoarding money just to survive. The Roman economy never recovered after the cessation of territorial expansion in the 2nd century AD along with the above listed reasons.

I'm not saying that its not a possibility, but at the moment the U.S. doesn't fit the extreme conditions of late Rome.


I assume you mean the system in the US. Of course, it has already begun. What happened to Rome was that they, in order to control as much as possible, let everyone and their grandmother be a citizen. At the time the Visigoths invaded (I think it was about 400AD) and sacked Rome for the final time, only about10% of the Roman army where actually Roman.

We have a little ways to go but look at this country. It’s not the idiot government, it’s the crooked businessmen and greedy CEO’s that killing us. The Free Trade Acts only promote loss of domestic jobs and slavery in underdeveloped countries. Good for the business but they don’t even base themselves in the US anymore. Fat companies don’t help the average American and the media keeps us fighting with each other over stupid things like gay marriage and affirmative action.

Of course everybody is so concerned about the “war” in Iraq and Afghanistan that they completely miss all this *rap, just as the powers that be want us to.


Well, I can't give you examples, but in my own opinion, the US is going to have another Great Depression. Probably soon, too.

As far as the rest of the world, I believe Revelations. During the Rapture and Tribulations, God only knows what will happen (literally!)


Like the Judgment day for Christians? If that's it, then yes some time every thing falls but it does not mean Rapture.


I think the the U.S. government has some major problems that need to be addressed, some of which seem to parallel the problems that helped bring down the Roman Empire, but it's easy for fear-mongers to exaggerate this comparison for their purposes. One example of a worrisome connection is how the people of both ancient Rome and the U.S. surrendered personal freedoms in order to defend themselves against "terroristic" attacks. (See links below.)

That said, I think it's dangerous to listen to those who rely on exaggerated doomsday predictions. These people often have a hidden personal agenda that is best served by getting people to surrender personal freedoms and to empty their pocket books in the name of national self-defense or some other national or religious propaganda.

In other words, doomsday predictions should generally be taken with a grain of salt and a large dose of skepticism.

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