Why are there so many poor people in the United States?

Seriously, why do they have commercials on every other channel looking for a donation to another country. Please dont misunderstand me, I am all for helping those less fortunate, but why are we more concerned about poverty in other countries?


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Because Americans have a different definition of what poor is in comparison to any other country. In America, if you make under $20,000 you are on the poverty level, but you can still afford somewhere to live and something to eat everyday. Your children are still able to go to school everyday. Plus you have a lot of different resources at your disposal.

Third world countries do not have welfare, food stamps, social services, low income housing, child tax credit, or medical assistance.


We aren't. Americans are constantly donating their time & money to the poor here at home. Look at the millions we sent to NY for 9/11 & to Katrina victims. Not too mention the monies given to food kitchens, churches who help the poor, aid societies, local red cross, Salavation Army, Goodwill. The list goes on & on. Younger people may just not be that aware of what goods, services & money are made available to the poor here in our country. I don't remember when I began donating to charities on a regular basis but it was probably when I got into my 40's.

We are a very giving nation & after giving to our own it is the least we can do is give to others in need as well.


The citizens of the United States as a group give to the poor of the U S and the government of the U S give to the poor of the US......But these charities that ask for money or help for the poor of other countries have commercials to remind you that there are others in other places in need. If you never saw these commercials you wouldn't know about the others that need your help.


Partly because capitalism requires winners and losers. Equitable food distribution would kill profits. Lost profits would cause stock prices to drop. A huge drop in stock prices could crash the stock market, sending the country into chaos.

So, food is wasted to restrict supply and keep prices up. Legislation is rigged to support giant farming conglomerates also to prop up prices. CEOs get bonuses for laying off thousands of workers to cut costs. Huge businesses thrive and drive small businesses into extinction. It's survival of the fittest at its worst.

The hand wringing over global poverty? It just makes the US look magnanimous. But it's a sham.


In order for a capitalist economy to function, you need the poor to take the lower paying less desirable jobs. No matter how much money the lower wage earners make, their standard of living will not go up. Supply and demand will cause inflation to rise, causing luxuries to remain out of reach.

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