how do I find owner of a cell phone number?

Barry DaLive2006-12-26T17:27:51Z

Favorite Answer

Call 'em and ask 'em where they are.


Cell phone numbers are not listed and the cell phone industry does not want them published. If you called or if the person called you check your bill on line to see if you can find the number on your bill. You may also have the number in your call list inside your phone. Good luck!!


This raises some security concerns. Your best bet is to work out which region or country that phone number exists and find out their phone number in that area as you would for a normal phone number. The only thing is protection of other people will hinder your progress. This takes time and it can be done. I wouldn't be surprised if telemarkets do it that way especially SMS messages.

Good luck.


Try checking what calls have been made, call those numbers, and ask if the person on the other end knows anybody who is missing a cell phone.

mountain woman2006-12-26T17:32:44Z

Just call them at the number. Do you want that number? Just ask, they might be willing to switch.

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