Older Women having babies?

Now we want to set up ethic commitees to older women to have a child. Whay haven't we set up ethic committees for men. The arugments for an older person having a child is the same. If you have enough money to undergo the medical procedures then you probably have figured out what will happend if you die before the child is raised.


Don't you think that setting up an ethic committee is going too far?


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This is a problem in our world today there are not so many older women having children, but OLDER MEN who father children until they are passed seventy and eighty years old.
Then they die, leaving these young children and their Mothers to fend for themselves.

Shame on you older men.


this is tougher then it appears the more you think about it. we have to be careful about determining what and when people can do things without risking losing the rights of freedom. We can then easily find ourselves like China where they tell you how many kids you can have. That being said i don't agree that a 60 year old would be good for the child i'm older then normal and a single parent of a 10 year old boy and it is very difficult for me to keep up with him like a father should and i'm 20 years younger then this couple. Also the older you get the more chance of medical issues effecting you which would keep you from giving the child the level of attention that he or she deserves. More and more people are having babies in thier 30s and 40s so they can play in their 20s and finish schooling and establish careers. But most older parents find themselves unable and to old to enjoy the formative years of the children without that the children start behind the curve. after going way to long lol yes i do think 60 is to old and shelfish to do it adopt and give a child in need more then it has now

B Scott2007-01-06T20:35:30Z

Yes, setting up an ethics committee on older women having babies is going too far. Too many people are trying to decide what is right or wrong with what others are doing these days. They should keep their noses out of where they don't belong.
It's is the choice of the woman and her husband, and no one else.


I think I understand what you are saying, but women are sensitive creatures emotionally when it comes to child bearing. I am a woman and I have frequently over my life had that "baby fever" creep over me. I have two daughters that are the pride of my life. They are 19 and 25 years old. After my 19 year old was older I'd frequently go through periods where I desperately wanted to get pregnant again and have another child. Bearing and raising children is such a rewarding experience for women in the way a man could never totally understand. I'm 46 now. I still have "baby fever" creep over me. But my husband had a vasectomy soon after my 2nd daughter was born and just last summer I had a hysterectomy so well...no chance in hell anyway! But, now I look forward to grandchildren. That's the new baby fever--grandma fever.

You are right, though. I only told you the above to help you understand how much important this is to a woman. But, the child is the important factor and you must be able to "afford" the child in terms of time, finances, energy and life time to be fair to the child.


No one has a guarantee on how long they are going to live a young person has just as much of a chance at dying as an older person. Giving birth is not a major "medical procedure" It still takes a sperm and an ovum to make a pregnancy. Your argumen is so full of holes it doesn't even hold air let alone the ablity to hold water.

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