Which hybrid car would you buy?Toyota Camry or Nissan Altima?

I am looking to buy a midsize hybrid 4 door sedan. I have narrowed it down to two cars. Toyota Camry and Nissan Altima, both 2007 models. I've been told that both cars are very comparable since Nissan licensed some of the hybrid components from Toyota so therefore the drive train and the hybrid system are almost identical for both cars. However, Toyota dealer told me that Toyota licensed older technology hybrid components than the latest installed in the Camry. Is this true? Which would you buy?


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Yes, Toyota licensed part of their technology to Nissan, but not all of it. Almost identical is far from being identical. Chicago is almost to New York for someone living in Hong Kong, but I'd hate to have to walk it.

You can license the parts, but you can't license the experience. I'd wait on the Altima until they develop a track record. I'm no Toyota fan, but if I wanted a hybrid, I'd go Toyota. More experience, proven track record, better resale.


Both are good cars. But I say Altima since toyota cars have had so many problems recently. Plus nissan cars last long mileage.


don't go hybrid, at least until the new calculations for fuel economy come out. Hybrids are not getting the mileage they promise, therefore throwing your calculations for saving money out the window. For now, i'd have to say, take the gas motor until hybrid technology gets a little further along.


Hybirds has less horsepower but save money. If i were you, i go with Toyota at least they are more reliable!