My tire rim is always dirty?

One of my front tire rims always is covered in dirt or dust or something. I'll clean it and within a few days its totally black again. None of the other rims have this happening to it something from my tire or what?


Favorite Answer

You must have a leak in the front axle.
Go to a mechanic to get it checked.


Dirty Rims


Most chemicals call for washing off excessive dirt and mud before applying the chemical in a spray. Read the instructions carefully and try an inconspicuous area if possible such as the back of the wheel. These are usually very caustic and allowing the chemical to sit too long can damage the finish. These chemicals should only be used on cool wheels. If the vehicle has just been driven, the brakes will be hot, and liquid chemical will turn to steam. This steam can be harmful, especially if it contains asbestos from the brake pads. Use an old toothbrush or nylon brush for scrubbing dishes to get into all of the corners and ridges. Rinse well and use a clean cotton rag to polish the mag or rim.


Most likely the it is brake dust. You might want to have your brakes checked out by a mechanic since your are only having a problem with one. To confirm this theory after driving check your rims for heat. Chances are is that the dirty rim will be hotter than the others. You should do this so because if you have a problem it will become progressively worst.

nick b2007-01-18T07:26:40Z

You can get brake shields and they do help, but if its only one wheel and its after a few days you should get it looked at. One of the pads could be dragging. Could be from a bad caliper piston. You also didnt say if its the front. Front will get the most dust, but still both sides are pretty much equal in the amount, and it wouldnt be after a few days. Better to get it looked at before something happens that worse than dusty wheels.

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