i found a box of...?

i found an empty box of condoms in my basement i think its from my brother becuase he is the only one down there the most. i cant imagin him doing that and i dont no how to bring it up or if i even want to but i cant get it out of my head my brother whos not even 18 who i look up to is doing this i'm not sure am i over reacting???


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I think you are over reacting. True he's using those, but be thankful he's doing the right thing by using protection. I wouldn't say anything to anyone about this. Just let it go and know that he's doing it right to begin with.


wow, maybe you could let him have his privacy. If he wants to talk about his sex life with your, he will. The thing that comes between brothers and sisters the most is when they judge eachother, or expect them to be someone they are not.

Notice the things about your brother that you want to use to inspire you to be your best. Set aside the things about your brother that you don't like so much. And if he is doing something that might harm him, and if he confides in you about it, then tell him honestly what you think -- but do not pry into his secrets. And if he is doing drugs, stealing, or really over the top serious stuff, then get help in confronting him -- don't do it yourself.


Yes you are over reacting, take it easy go slow, he is a guy, no problem its fine, if you want to talk with him about it say hey I found this do you know who's this is, and take it from there.


He doesnt have to be 18 to have sex. And it should not be any of your concern respect doesnt have to go out the door u can still look up to him.


If you look up to your brother then you need to talk to him about it, learn from what he has to say. It may help you in the future.

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