Which diet pills suppress hunger the best?


Favorite Answer

Don't starve yourself! If you want to lose weight and keep it off~ starvation is the worst method. Let's face it... someday you are going to want to eat, and when you do~ you want your metabolism and your digestive system to be in optimal condition. Diet pills and starvation do not support a healthy metabolism or digestive system. I suggest you try a nutritional body-cleanse. People lose up to 15 lbs in 9-Days or 45 lbs in 30-Days, it will also help you control your appetite. For more info visit:



Well since you are vegan (why?) you need some source of protein, so if you are going to refuse it from the tasty little animals, you could use protein bars and shakes after exercising with heavy weights. Muscle burns fat, so you need to pack more of it on, and you need to use heavy weights since that will burn more, and to support your increased muscles will burn more while just existing. You cannot target fat areas. Your body doesn't work that way. Do not take pills other than supplements. Most drugs on the market aren't designed to take the whole of human anatomy into account meaning they do something without bothering to wonder its effects on something else. This is why we are getting sicker and sicker in America. We solve one problem by creating another with toxic chemicals rather than the chemicals God intended us to intake. Also don't fall for the weight training myths of super slow super low weight high amounts of reps myth. It doesn't work. You probably shouldn't even be worrying about fat anyway, just be fit. Fat in and unto itself is not some toxic chemical to avoid. Trans fats are but that is another story. It matters more if your frame can handle it and if your fat is subcutaneous rather than visceral.


NONE OF THEM. they are all crap.
if you are eating too much and want to start eating less, try eating things that fill you up quicker, like big leafy salads etc.

Stay away from the diet pills. Didn't you recently see a few of those companies got fined $25 million because they lied about their crap products.!!!


Walk with a co-worker's desk to chat as opposed to instant messaging.


In the mood for the hot meal? Make a massive pot of veggie bean soup, divide into two-cup containers, and store from the freezer. Before bed, place a container within the fridge, then grab it before heading out the door every day.

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