could this even be possible?

Ok well my period was due Janurary 5th and it didn't come. It's usually normal and on time but this time it wasn't. I didn't think much of being pregnant until it was like 5 day late. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative but the second one came back positive. I started my period on the 24th. I'm still on it and it seems to be a normal period. Could I still be pregnant if I was to begin with? PLEASE HELP

Bevin M2007-01-26T17:51:25Z

Favorite Answer

OTC pregnancy test are not reliable. If you are worried about it...I would go to a OBGYN and get a test from a doctor. They have the ability to test more accurately. And if you can't afford your normal girly doctor, I suggest going to Planned Parenthood...they do stuff for free. I took so many pregnancy test when I was pregnate, and didn't know I was due, until 3 days before I had the baby, because they all came back negative. But also, hormones that start your period can make you come up positive too.


Yes you so could be Pregnet. You really need to have Blood test to find out. I have had this happen to me twice. I lost the first baby at 7 weeks it was called a molea pregnancy ( 1 in 2000 chance) and the second I bleed at 6 weeks and she is here with us today.
Make sure you see your Doctor for adive as there is so much more to it than I new.


If you were pregnant you still could be. Lots of women have a slight period when theya re pregnant. i did in the begining. howver, you should test again then call your gyno


Take another test now. that should help answer all your questions. If this period is "normal" (no big clotting, cramping, gray colored clots) then you were probably just "off" with timing or stressed out.


It's very possible you could be pregnant. Talk to your dr and tell him/her whats going on and tell him/her that you want a blood test done.

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