whats a...?

what is a g spot give me the details etc.


how do u get to it?


Favorite Answer

a g spot is the spot which makes a girl get really horny and the place that makes it easy for her to get a orgasm. its at your vaginal area. you have to find it first. ask a guy for some help =] hehe


G Spot and the Clitoris is tied for like the #1 orgasm and turn on switch on a female's body then any other body part.

There's a small area called the Grafenberg Spot, or G-Spot, inside the vagina. It is located about an inch or so inside the vaginal opening on the upper vaginal wall — toward the bellybutton. The G-Spot is sexually sensitive and swells slightly during sex play and feels raised or bumpy.

Although all women have this tissue, some like their G-Spots stimulated as a part of sex play and others do not. And many notice no difference in sensation one way or the other. Many women have orgasms, and about 10 percent have female ejaculation when their G-Spots are stimulated.

Scientists think that the G-Spot has another function during childbirth. They think the G-Spot releases endorphins when stimulated by the fetus as it passes through the birth canal. This may act as a natural pain reliever for the woman giving birth.


Its the Graffenburg Spot. Its still debated as to whether it actually exists in all women. In theory it's an area in the vagina, when laying on your back it would be on the top about 2" inside, that when stimulated can help a woman achieve orgasm. Some women claim to have it, while others cannot tell a difference. I hope this helps.


its a spot up inside the vaginal wall. a place hard to reach but for many woman a very pleasurable spot when touched or penetrated. alot of women never know what its like

Brutally Honest2007-01-27T23:43:15Z

Read all about it here:
