diesel fuel????? clear????

I filled up at a new Chevron, in Roseberg Texas....
the diesel fuel was completely clear like water! it had the consistancy of diesel, & smelled & foamed like it too. truck ran ok, maybe a little less mpg nothing appreciable! So, whats up, where's the color yelloish greenish????


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what you are refering to is the new Ultra low sulfer diesel it has to look of water,as opossed to low sulfer diesel which has a more blueish tint to it.you cant use the low sulfer in 07 engines.but the ultra low can be used in any diesel,But you should use a fuel additive because it has a lower lubricant in it.


Clear Diesel


If it's anything like here in Canada, diesel fuel is now required to be sulfur free... I have noticed that the color has changed a bit with the new fuel... If you were here I would say that it's because it's winter, we switch to a lighter grade diesel for winter so that it won't freeze up... the color is lighter, it foams more and you do not get near the power or milage as you do with summer(heavy) diesel. I don't know that this would be a concern in Texas though.


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diesel fuel????? clear????
I filled up at a new Chevron, in Roseberg Texas....
the diesel fuel was completely clear like water! it had the consistancy of diesel, & smelled & foamed like it too. truck ran ok, maybe a little less mpg nothing appreciable! So, whats up, where's the color yelloish greenish????


They may have put gas in it. Drain it all out and put in diesel. Get the off road stuff with the red dye and then you will be able to tell better next time. Also get a locking cap so that only you can get into the tank.

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