Would you consider stopping global warming realistic or idealistic and why? (do you consider it possible?)?


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for sure idealistic. no one wants to stop using thier cars, or airconditioners, or factories, or whatever else global warming is blamed on. the world is so big, with billions of ppl, that controlling global warming would be next to impossible. it would be nice if we could do something.


I think it is pointless at this stage. So far, the IPCC says there is global warming and humans are causing it. Other scientists aren't so sure and are questioning both statements. A few questions need to be answered.

1. According to the best measurements the globe has warmed an average of 1/10 of one degree in over 100 years. Is that relevent?

2. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the globe has been far warmer and most, if not all, the ice has melted numerous times. Is this just part of the normal cycle?

3. There is significant evidence that the sun is becoming slightly hotter and causing some warming. There is also evidence that the earth itself is generating more heat and warming the ground causing more rapid glacial melt and warming of the deep oceans. How do these impact the small temperature rise mentioned above?

4. Many scientists believe we could be entering a phase of cooling as a result of sunlight being reflected back into space by the pollutants in the atmosphere. The fact of record cold temperatures last winter and this winter support that possibility.

5. Can we do anything to change the fact that the climate is dynamic and has been changing like this for billions of years? What if we discover the globe is really cooling and the slight temperature rises recorded are the products of temporary increased heat out put from the sun and the earth's core?

In summary, we don't know what is going on other than claims made by a single UN sponsered team whose mandate is to prove global warming. Should we expend trillions of dollars to fight something that is unproven? Even if it means that the poorest people will suffer for it?


I think that it's realistic in the sense that, if everyone would just chip in a little, many problems could quite easily be fixed. I mean, the littlest things like turning off lights or recycling could make the biggest difference in the long run. i recently saw this documentary by Al Gore, called An Inconvenient Truth, and it was amazing how...in reach, slowing down the process of global warming really is. But there lies the problem. I dominantly think that stopping gobal warming is idealistic, because quite frankly, at the rate we're going, it's not going to happen. People just don't care enough, because they can't see the toll global warming is slowly taking on the world, and besides it probably won't much effect them during their own lfetime. So global warming seems to be some weird kind of paradox: it's realistic because it's so POSSIBLE, but idealistic because its so far out there in the priorities of humanity.

jkk k2007-01-30T04:57:26Z

i personally dont care about global warming.

yep, i am a selfish pig. i can afford the car that gets 12 miles to the gallon hwy. i love to have my house lit brightly and have it at the exact temperature i set my thermostat at.

i love flying my twin engine plane, my big powerboat that burns 80 gallons an hour at full throttle and smoking my fat cigars.

so my point is. try and stop me!


Man kind is too self absorbed to go out of their way to save their environment. The earth will eventually blow up anyway. I say let things go as they come. God will take things where he wants them to be, I have no worries.

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