Star Wars or Star Trek?

I am a SUPER Star Wars fan (I'm not just a fan, I'm a Jedi), And my mother is a super Star Trek fan. She thinks Star Trek is better than Star Wars, which unfortunately is in her imagination, because everyone knows that Star Wars will always be superior. What do you guys think?


Favorite Answer

I'm with you all the way on this one girl!!! absolutely, positively, hands down, no comparison.STAR WARS RULES
I am also a fellow jedi......
may the force be with you


Star Wars


Star Wars


Star Wars.


Star Wars, indisputably.

Have you seen the security they have on the Star Trek ships? It's like "Just push us right out of the way. We'll do you less harm than a sleeping kitten!"

And have you watched old Trek episodes (any series) and they just seem phony, cheesy, over the top? Star Wars doesn't do that. Star Wars is timeless. Trek is a cult favorite, but not timeless.

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