Did Adam and Eve have navels?

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Fish <><2007-02-01T20:21:29Z

Favorite Answer

That was a little before my time.


Did Adam and Eve have bellybuttons?

For those who believe the Bible to be historically accurate, this is not a trivial question. If Adam and Eve did not have navels, then they were not perfect human beings. On the other hand, if they had navels, then the navels would imply a birth they never experienced.

Bruce Felton and Mark Fowler are the authors of The Best, Worst, and Most Unusual (Galahad Books, 1994). In this entertaining reference work, they devote several paragraphs (pp. 146-147) to what they call "the wont theological dispute." They take this to be the acrimonious debate, which has been going on ever since the book of Genesis was written, over whether the first human pair had what Sir Thomas Browne, in 1646, called "that tortuosity or complicated nodosity we usually call the Navell."

Browns opinion was that Adam and Eve, because they had no parents, must have had perfectly smooth abdomens. In 1752, according to Felton and Fowler, the definitive treatise on the topic was published in Germany. It was tided Untersuchung der Frage: Ob unsere ersten Uraltern, Adam und Eve, einen Nabel gehabt (Examination on the Question: Whether Our First Ancestors, Adam and Eve, Possessed a Navel). After discussing all sides of this difficult question, the author, Dr. Christian Tobias Ephraim Reinhard, finally concluded that the famous pair were navelless.

Tamra P2007-02-02T04:23:37Z

No, they were never in the womb, so they never had umbilical cords, so they wouldn't have belly buttons. The question is if Adam and Eve were on a nude beach how could you tell them apart from the other people.

Jim Darwin2007-02-02T04:18:11Z

I'm an atheist and all, but did you notice when you asked this question that it has been asked 450 times previous?


you've forgot Lilith.
I wonder, did she had a navel?
don't forget, she was made by God before Eve

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