Tell me, What should i do today? seriously!?

ok, I have been at the same job for some time... i love the people i work with, but i am taking another job starting Monday that will pay more and give me a better variety of jobs... i am suppose to work ALL day today till 7pm tonight... as much as i love this job, i am just exhausted...
should i go in, and do my job? or should i call in and take a day off? i havent had a whole weekend off in years!! if i take off, what excuse should i use to call in with?


Favorite Answer

Yes, do your job today.

This is the responsible thing to do, and it also gives others the impression you are a hard worker. If you decided to take the day off, future employers might get the impression you are a slacker. Folks talk, and opinions fly.

moo shell2007-02-03T07:35:20Z

I would do the responsible thing and go to work. That way your record stays clean as a reliable person. They will know if you call in with any excuse that it is because you are starting a new job. Trust me. I have seen it time and time again at my workplace and the boss knew it too. It is just for 1 more day. Then strating next weekend you can start enjoying your weekends off.


My mom always told me to never burn your bridges. Go to work today. You may enjoy having the day off but in the long run it could backfire. What if this other job doesn't work out and you want to go back to this job? It's only one more day ... go to work. Good luck with your new job!


i think you should GO into work, you work hard and im sure make some good money if you have been there long, instead of taking sick days let them accumulate then take a vacation and plan something! believe me all day youll be saying "ehh i should have went in--" youll feel guilty! just go and get it over with and plan a vacation soon, let them know and do something fun, if you dont go anywhere, at least get some things done around the house. gd luck!


Take-off have a wonderful day--You don't need an excuse your starting a new job

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