One thing in Witness protection Program?
If you had to go into the witness protection program and aside from pictures and your family what would you take?
If you had to go into the witness protection program and aside from pictures and your family what would you take?
Favorite Answer
My kids. If I was the only one that had to go I wouldn't go with out my kids. They are my life, they are my everything!
Swamp, This is going to take a lot of research. I would take this in another direction other than the WPP and the lie that the husband is dead. There are a host of other things to consider when you have this kind of plot. The WPP is only used when someone acts as a witness in a trial and is usually involved in some way. They do what is known as 'turn states evidence.' Usually this involves a trial involving organized crime. In faking someone's death, a lot of falsified documents are involved. Death Certificate, Autopsy, Burial, Various Benefits for the survivor. My question is why would they lie anyway? A lot of professional licenses are on the line here. See? This story does seem pretty suspenseful, but I would say, once again, steer clear of the WPP and the Lie. Hope I helped. PJ M
Tracylyn S
I would have to take my tooth brush,I really like it. It buzzes and has batteries too. I take all the crap off of my teeth, and if you have good, healthy and clean teeth with fresh breath, then rest of your day go well not matter where you end up. No I am not a dentist I just got my dental bill and thought I best be a better brusher? I would take my dental records, you never know, whoever is looking for you just might find you and having your dental records my ID who you used to be too?
Tracylyn S
My dog and scrapbooks.
Cash - and lots of it!