Who thinks this could happen? Great rumor...?

Rumors have been floating around in the American Football section on Y!A that Murdock will stop asking stupid questions w/ made up rumors... Do you think this could happen? I heard the Patriots are willing to trade their seventh round pick to him and give him his brain back if he stops... Belichick thinks this is a great deal! lol

For bonuses in deciding the best answer:

1) What do you think Murdock's next preposterous rumor will be?

2) What do you think Murdock's motives in posting absurd questions are?

^^ That was just a joke... And it wouldn't happen anyway lol


Favorite Answer

i doubt he can stop himself-his questions are so stupid i think he is a little kid but he made his pic. look like an old guy so people wouldn't think he was a kid.

he will probably say that the patriots are going to trade tom brady for a 7th round pick hoping to get brady quinn to drop that far. or something stupid like that.

murdock is just a little kid starving for attention and he thinks if he asks stupid questions then he will get more answers. or he is totally oblivious that he is asking dumb questions and rumors.


Isn't he that gay guy that asks about Romo and TO making out?


he has fantasies about romo/bledsoe/owens. i think his next one will have something to do with dildos and/or feces.