I am 6 weeks pregnat. This si my second child.I eat very healthy. I have already gained 3 pounds in 8 days.?

I do not eat greasy and fatty foods. Why do I alrerady have a baby bump and I am only 6 weeks pregnat. I am nervouse, because it is hard for me to deal with gaining weight. I have been recwntly been recovering from anorexia. I just got my period back after 1 in a half years because of my under weight problem, when I started doing better I got my period back, that same cycle I got pregant. That doesnt happen very much, so it must be a god send. I just am nervous about gaining weight. i did not think I would already gain 3 lbs and my clothes already start to fit tight. Please help.


Favorite Answer

In the first place, congratulations on trying to recover from anorexia. That is no easy thing, and you should be commended on that.

Your body is developing other things along with the baby...the umbilical cord, for example, will continue to add weight. You might also be hanging onto some extra water.... you need it to help the baby!

You WILL gain a few more pounds from the weight of the baby, umbilical cord, embryotic fluid, and mucous plug alone. Please try to remember that those extra pounds are not 'yours', they are just going to go into the baby and what it needs to keep it alive. If you continue to eat right, all you are ever likely to have is the baby bump. Slender women who become pregnant and take care of themselves right can sometimes fit right back into their 'skinny' jeans within a few weeks of giving birth---it's rare, but it does happen. In the meantime, please talk to your doctor about your concerns. Your baby's health depends on you gaining a certain amount of weight.

Darla M2007-02-16T12:14:18Z

I was never anorexic but I dieted to stay thin. I found myself pregnant with twins and I was horrified. I was horrified to gain weight and get stretch marks. I went from 108 on my first visit to 168 before I delivered. It took me awhile to get back down, but made it by their first birthday. I just lubed myself with cocoa butter every day and told myself that this is the only time I can eat what I want AND I DID. My babies were healthy and have no problems. My boys are a year and a half and now that I am actually under my normal weight I am so glad I didn't let the fear of getting fat ruin their lives. Don't think about dieting, it will be over in 8-9 months and you have the rest of your life to get back down to the weight you feel comfortable at. People like us know what it takes. Just put it on hold for now.


I had a really hard time with the weight gain too. I'm 13 weeks and I've put on 10 pounds, most of which appears to have settled in my butt and thighs. I was really, really upset about it at first, since I've always prided myself on being thin and fit, and I haven't missed a day at the gym since I found out I was pregnant.

I had the same problem as you with the period thing. I didn't have a period for 6 months because I was underweight. We got pregnant on the first month trying, after my first period in 7 months.

My clothes were tight at 6 weeks and I was in my "fat" pants by 8 weeks. Now I'm just getting into maternity clothes.

I think we small, weight conscious people just put on the weight faster, as a sort of way of the body protecting itself because it doesn't trust us to stay fat. After 2 ultrasounds and seeing a beautiful healthy baby in there, I've lost all concerns about how much weight I've put on (since the doctor does say it's very normal), and I've embraced my baby fat. You will too, I'm sure.

Congrats and good luck!


I gained 3 pounds by 7 weeks and then lost 8 pounds by 8 weeks when I suddenly lost my appetite. Here I am 8.5 weeks and have gained 3 pounds back already... don't know how but I have. I haven't been as hungry, which is weird. Any-who, from my experience's its normal!


Your probably just getting a little bloated. If you have been eating any type of salty foods it could cause bloating, even frozen or canned foods and some cereals have a ton of salt. Try to eat fresh foods. Don't worry too much about gaining weight unless your dr says it's too much. If you are underweight your body probably needs the extra weight to support the baby. But right now it's probably only water though. If you continue to gain weight quickly then call your dr to see what they say.

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