Is there actually a bigger waste of time than debating and voting on a non-binding resolution?
It would save us all time (and, I suppose, money) to just have the high-school-minded members of Congress make crank calls to the White House to show President Bush how much they dislike him.
No wonder our government has lost its international "teeth."
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying, "the passage of this legislation will signal a change in direction in Iraq that will end the fighting and bring our troops home." I want to know just how she can make that promise; it's a blatant a lie as Hillary Clinton vowing to stop global warming.
Why isn't anyone holding these free-speaking liars accountable to the same levels of shock and outrage as they are the President?
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This is a favorite tactic. Its called incrementalism. They start small and build and eventually the polls will be in favor of bringing the troops back tomorrow. Then they will stand up and shout, "See we were right all along!"
By getting a vote on a non-binding resolution the Dems are forcing the Republicans to make a stance on the war--for it or against it on an individual basis. Then when further legislation hits the floor for a vote, they will be forced to put their money where there mouth is without the shield of a party line vote exposing their views to their constituents.
A recent poll indicates that 70% of voters are paying close attention to the resolution and that they will take note of the results and vote out the enablers of Bush who do not support the measure. Good news for all.
The only bigger waist of time was going through the motions during that 9/11 commission. It would have been quicker to take the Warren Commission report and replaced every instance of "Oswald" with "bin laden".
They say its a symbolic resolution. The real question is, why is Bush going against the American people? Didn't we just tell him what we expected in the recent elections? Is there something that he knows and won't tell us about the war, or is he just all out against the will of the people?