Orchid Growers: Should the orchid spike be pruned after blooming?
Presently, one blossom remains on a two-foot spike. The plant has done well since before Christmas, but is now in its declining period with no subsequent blooms coming forth.
The type orchid in question is the Phalaenopsis.
I gave up on its pronunciation.
Favorite Answer
A two foot spike ..... you are so lucky!! Mine don't get that big. I wait until all of the flowers are gone and the spike looks like a dead stick, then I cut it maybe an inch or two away from the plant. I have done this about 4 times on the same orchid and it's blooming now for the fifth time.
once the spike turns brown go ahead and cut it off. As long as it is green, there is always a chance it could send out buds again. The type of orchid would definately been helpful,maybe next time.