on 9/11, 15 Saudi Arabians took part in an assault on the United States, they and four others were trained in?

in Saudi camps which were funded with Saudi money. What could motivate our president to call them allies not enemies and then try to turn the security of our major ports over to them?


I am fully aware of the business relationships between the Saudis and the Bush family. I am challenging the responsibilty a president has to the US vs his private interests.


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Because the Supreme leader George Walker Bush and his family are very close friends and business associates of the Bin Ladens in Saudi Arabia!

Much the same reason why now he spends all of his time blaming Iran for the insurgency problem when our own military intelligence in Iraq says that most of the attacks on our soldiers are Sunnis backed by Suadi Arabia!

Here's the article from USAToday about the Sunnis attacks:



On 9/11/01, 15 Saudi Arabians (allegedly, remember, most of them are still living and going to college and working) took part in an assault (AKA false flag operation) on the United States.

It's a much bigger picture than the small corner of the frame you are looking at. Once you understand that then you will begin to piece together the sick reality that was 9/11.

No, there were no aliens or satanic involvement like the loonies like to say. Just greedy, morally deprived goals that needed furthering at the expense of thousands of innocent American lives. Add a few thousand more to that total for the American lives lost in this phony bullsh*t war in Iraq.

The Saudis are the least of our problems when we have the enemy right here at home.


i'd evaluate it a warning from an "unofficial" source. Saudi Arabia is ruled by skill of the descendants of the service provider sort of Mecca that negotiated the continuation of the Haj in replace for their non violent conversion to Islam. Saudi Arabia is a pillar of the international company Fascist circulate: the time table of that's the solidification of neo-feudalism. Islam is not extra approximately an all-powerful being then the different 2 traces of the Judeo-Christo-Islamo virus.

C B2007-02-24T21:05:58Z

If you really knew anything about Saudi Arabia you wouldn't be asking this question.

The fact of the matter is the Saudi royal family is not very popular because they are allied with the US. Their efforts to curtail terror are real and have been helpful in the global war on terrorism. If they fall from power it is all but guaranteed that they will be replaced with a regime that is even more hostile towards the West and Saudi Arabia would become a true haven for terror.

Please do some research.


No, they were not funded by Saudi money, and they were not trained in Saudi camps.

Osama bin Laden was/is a Saudi construction tycoon. Al Qaeda camps were in Afghanistan. They were funded by bin Laden's personal money, not the money of the Saudi gov't. He is no longer affiliated with the Saudi gov't. He is an outcast, they do not support his actions, and cannot stop him.

Saudi Arabia is an ally - we buy oil from them. We have used their nation as a staging ground for the first invasion of Iraq. They are friendly to US interests in the Middle East. We did not attempt to sell them our ports. That deal was with Dubai, a very small, very wealthy country, that is not hostile to the US in any way.

You need to stop lumping everyone in the middle east together, it makes it look like you hate them all. A government cannot control every citizen. Bin Laden's ideology is that of a Robin Hood figure to the people there, and many buy into his ideals. They come from many countries in the middle east, and if you'd pay attention, two have come from right here in the US.

Get your facts straight before you spew garbage.

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