Back to the future question...?

I am watching back to the future for the VERY first time tonight...funny considering I was born in 1984, and it has inspired me to ask this question, it really is a really good movie.

If you could go back in time, and see your parents to be, what would you say? What would you do? What would you think?


Favorite Answer

I wouldn't want to see my parents back then. It would ruin them for me later in life.

Back to the Future 2 is excellent as well. Stay away from the 3rd one.


Don't forget to watch Back to the Future 2 & 3. I saw some of the movie tonight on TV.


I would tell my dad that in order for me to be rich, he will need to buy up as much California real estate along the coast and don't sell until I'm 25 or so. I'd be set for life. I'd tell my mom that she should better choose the man she wants to marry, to wed someone she really loves, not just someone who could take care of her.


I would try to prevent my father's death from cancer in 1981.

He only went to the doctor because he was a colonel in the army and he was required to have a physical, which is when they found his cancer.

I also would get a kick out of watching my parents date.


Since I am the youngest of 6 kids, I would tell my parents not to stop when they got to 5!

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