ill trade hw help (ill help u) in math for speech dictation program?


Favorite Answer

Windows XP has an excellent speech recognition system built in. AND ITS FREE. You don't have to Barter or Buy it.

Additional capabilities can be added using the e-Speaking (website below) Voice and Speech Recognition software.

Look at the Microsoft summary on their website called: "How to install and configure speech recognition in Windows XP (;en-us;Q306537 )

The software from Microsoft works great. Just check out the videos at:

The combination of Microsoft's software and e-Speaking should enable you to accomplish great things with voice recognition.

Look at the video of e-Speaking. The software has a 30 day trial period; built-in tutorial; avatars; and many other useful features .


play it cool and dont break down on stage...
there is this person who started crying when we had to give a speech in front of at least 130 kids
just look forward to it being over


shut up farmer bill go mow the lawn