Parents of three year olds- What do you want your children to get out of preschool?

I am a teacher of a three year old class and was wondering what parents really wanted.


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Social skills, direction, cooperation with a group. But most importantly I want him to enjoy learning and gain the building blocks for confidence.


I enrolled my son in preschool mainly for the social interactions. He is in a class with both three year olds and four year olds. The four year olds learn more academically speaking. The three year olds mainly get the social interaction. The school he is in has been great. He is a lot more independent and its much easier to get him to do things on his own (like pick up his toys, get himself water, etc.) Although I did a few art projects with him, he would never get into it. I've noticed since he's started preschool that he wants to paint and color and draw whereas before it was something I had to convince him to try. Exposure to things outside of the home has been good for him.


I wanted her to recognize colors, shapes, letters, and numbers. I wanted her able to sing the ABC's, recognize her name, and count to 25.

I also wanted some social skills for school later. I wanted her to understand the concept of following the teacher's instructions, maintaining a schedule, stronger listening skills, and ability to interact with other children politely.

Edit: I have been told that expecting this much from a 3-year-old is too much, but both my girls were this far along and further by the time they were four. I never put them in daycare/preschool, though. The oldest was taught exclusively by me until she went to kindergarten, and the youngest participated in Joy School where I was one of the teachers with four other moms.


as a mother of a three year old I have a lot of chanlleges in his preschool class he is well over advance in his skills he knows how to go to the bathroom all by hiself he can talk clear and knows how to listion very well, but all the kids in his class are not as advance as him every one in the class is still in dippers and crys and acts like babys . I would love for his teachers to teach him his numbers past 20, start with reading simpal words(ie I, we, to,can,me) help my child do more then run around pant walls and cry all day


What assignments? and how plenty sitting? the undertaking could desire to be this technique, not your toddler. it is common for threes to prefer to play and maximum f the time in preschool could be spent doing purely that. an excellent instructor knows the thank you to facilitate play so as that youngsters learn. appears like she's a organic chief. Ask some questions approximately what is going on and then hit upon a developmentally appropriate application.

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